
  1. Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA, 2015, 2016, 2017.
  2. Doctoral Student Travel Award, University of Connecticut, USA, 2017.
  3. Outstanding Graduate of Liaoning Province (Top2%), Class of 2012, China.
  4. First Prize, The 7th National Post-Graduate Mathematical Modeling Contest, China, 2010.
  5. Distinguished Prize, The 10th "Challenge Cup" Provincial Extra-curricular Academic Works Competition of Science and Technology, China, 2011.
  6. Second Prize, The 12th "Challenge Cup" National Extra-curricular Academic Works Competition of Science and Technology, China, 2011.
  7. Neusoft Excellence Scholarship, Neusoft Corporation, 2009.
  8. Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship, Suzhou Industrial Economic Development Zone(China), 2011.
  9. Outstanding Student Award for all semesters, Northeastern University(China), 2007-2010.
  10. First Prize, Graduate School Scholarship at Northeastern University(China), 2010-2012.
  11. First Prize, Junior Middle School Mathematics Competition, Liaoning Province, China, 2001.